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Докладчики/ Adel Nofal

Adel Nofal

Adel Nofal

Professor Adel Nofal, Egypt

CMRDI (Central Metallurgical Research & Development Institute)

He is a Professor of Metal Casting and Former President of the Central Metallurgical R&D Institute in Cairo. He received the State Merit Award from both the Egyptian Academy of Science and Technology and the National Academy of Science of Belarus. He has authored more than 150 publications in international periodicals and conferences and he was the PI of more than 60 technology transfer projects. Over the past few years, he has been involved in several research projects on ADI. Currently, he is the head of the Technical Committee of ADI to the World Foundry Organization (WFO) and a member of of thhead of the Technical Committee of ADI to the World Foundry Organization (WFO) and a member of the European Cast Iron Group (ECIG). Heas well is presently engaged with the establishmente African Foundry Technology Network.

На конференции будет представлен доклад:

  • Contribution to The Structure Formation in Cast Iron / Структурообразование чугуна

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