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Докладчики/ Jacques Lacaze

Jacques Lacaze

Jacques Lacaze

Born in 1955, senior scientist, Ph.D. He has been working first in the field of solidification of metallic alloys such as aluminium and nickel-base alloys, and later started a long-standing work on cast irons during a one year post-doc in Stockholm (Sweden). His research interest was focused on microstructure formation during solidification and solid-state transformations, and extended to mechanical properties and oxidation as he moved to the CIRIMAT laboratory in Toulouse (France) in 1994. Since a couple of years, he is also working on brazing of aluminium alloys. His academic research has led to the publication of 170 refereed journal papers and 100 conference papers.

На конференции будет представлен доклад:

  • Degeneracy of spheroidal graphite/ Деградация шаровидного графита

Наши контакты: panov.ag@mail.ru тел.: +79172703043

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