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Докладчики/ Suarez Ramon

Suarez Ramon

Suarez Ramon

Ramon Suarez Creo

- Mechanical and Industrial Engineer specialized in Materials Science and Foundry Technologies. Vigo 1975.

- Foundry Engineering by the E.S.F. Paris 1993.

Currently, Manager of R&D and Metallurgical Processes department at FUNDACION AZTERLAN in the Basque Country, on where he has been working since 1994.

He leads 5 research teams highly specialized in metallurgy issues, such as treatment of liquid metal, prediction systems on metal behaviour in solidification process linked to self-feeding.

The result of these developments, in the last 5 years has presented an average of two European patents per year. He is also the author of more than 50 scientific publications in Science Direct Indexed publications and International Congresses, recognized in the world of metallurgy.

Ramon Suarez collaborates with researchers from the most prestigious universities and research centres worldwide forming part of the Scientific Committee of SPCI (Science and Processing of Cast Iron) as representant of the Spanish state.

He combines, along with researchers from Azterlan, scientific activity with developments and industrial locations in more than 200 companies located throughout the world.

The team of industrial activity in the area of R & D and Metallurgical Processes of Azterlan, led by Ramon Suarez, consists of over 50 professionals and addresses both issues of materials and processes, such as those relating to energy efficiency and green cast, always keeping in mind the competitiveness and economic performance of companies.

Наши контакты: panov.ag@mail.ru тел.: +79172703043

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